Surface Finish: Griding or Polishing 鋼(帶)捲表面研磨拋光處理加工
The steel after heat treatment could also apply for surface finish process with different surface colors. Following is the availbe surface finish color table.

For a quote and advice on all your surface process needs, contact us now.
鋼(帶)捲加工後可以重捲成一般傳統鋼(帶)捲或者是複捲式鋼(帶)捲. 鋼(帶)捲的詳細介紹請參照: 鋼帶捲(一般/複捲式)的網頁介紹. 也歡迎您做進一步的洽詢.
熱處理後亦可依客戶需求做表面研磨或拋光加工處理. 如上表所示有不同的表面顏色, 歡迎洽詢.
After surface griding or polishing process, steel strips can be re-rolled into ribbon-wound coils (pancake) or oscillated-wound coils (oscillation coils). For more detail please refer to the Main Steel / Steel Strip.