Knife and Blade 美工刀片及特殊客製刀片
NKS Steel Ind. Ltd. is specialized in offering knife blades, and all kind of special and customized blades. We welcome OEM / ODM blades. By the way we also supply steel materials for knife blades, all blades and steel measuring tape. Please refer to Steel Materials for more details.
京琳有限公司專門製造多種美工刀片, 牛角刀, 工業機械用刀片, 脫姆遜刀, 鋸片, 學生用鉛筆刀, 特殊刀片, 各式刀片, 及各種碳素鋼帶捲, 捲尺材料 , 專業製造工廠, 量身訂做, 並提供專業之解決方案。若找不到適用的型號, 京琳也歡迎隨時洽詢OEM/ODM(客製化代工)製造.
Knife & Blade 美工刀片
Special Blade and Customized Blade 特殊刀片 / 客製化刀片
Materials for Knives, Blades and Steel Measuring Tape 刀片及鋼捲尺材料
NKS also provides materials for above knife blades, special blades, and carbon steel measuring tap. Please refer to steel application.
京琳有限公司專門提供美工刀片,牛角刀,工業機械用刀片,脫姆遜刀,鋸片,學生用鉛筆刀,特殊刀片,各式刀片的各種碳素鋼帶捲,捲尺材料,量身訂做, 並提供專業之解決方案。我們歡迎您隨時洽詢。